Institutional Challenge
Another important challenge is to find out whether your country (or regional government) offers aspiring energy communities the legal possibilities to engage in P2P exchange, as a community. The European Union has asked its members states to create these legal possibilities. It has indicated what legal conditions need to be met, but every country has its own way of translating these instructions into national legislation. Also, some countries are faster than others in writing and implementing this new legislation. That is why it can be quite a challenge to understand the latest rules and how they are going to work in practice. The situation changes regularly.
For that reason, the Readiness Level Indicator Tool on this website provides you with an explanation of necessary conditions and current obstacles to pay attention to so that you can understand the implications of current or future legislation for your community. The institutional readiness of your country is essential, because without a conducive context in terms of legislation (and policies), it is not possible to realize a viable business case for your P2P community.